When you’re checking something out for the first time it helps to know what to expect!
Here are a few tips to make your first experience a great one:
When do we meet?
Sundays at 10 AM
Where do we meet?
Journey CHapel
303 E Nelson rd
What to wear?
Come as you are!
Nursery through 5th Grade
If you’re visiting for the first time, we are so excited to meet you and your kids! Nursery (ages 0-2), Pre-K (ages 3-5) & 1st- 5th graders are meeting downstairs in our newly remodeled basement!
Join Us For A Service
Community • Join us at the back corner of the main room before and after service. Hang out and grab a complimentary coffee, popcorn and other snacks. Check the Connect table against the west wall if you have questions or want to get more connected.
Music • We’ll sing to aim our hearts towards God.
Message • Our pastor will teach from the Bible.
Giving • Through offering envelopes and boxes or give online.